I'm lucky I use such small sheets of paper...today's list could go on for...well, days! I enjoy some pretty silly things...eating ice cream straight from the carton, changing the metric on my Google Analytics so I am shown a graph with positive movement, favoriting things on Etsy I know I'll never buy, yelling at the people on House Hunters for not choosing a home based on the dumbest things...On a rare occasion I'll be too ashamed to admit that I like something that I know most people don't like, but I am usually pretty outspoken when it comes to my guilty pleasures.
List 23: Guilty Pleasures
Guilty Pleasure: something pleasurable that induces a usually minor feeling of guilt. Something that brings pleasure but is considered taboo, unadvisable or lowbrow. First known use, 1907. (Merriam-Webster, Wiktionary)
Confession: That's my bathroom. I'm in my pajamas.
If you can't read my list, here is what I wrote:
- A spoonful of nutella
- Spam (the food)
- Jersey Shore (tomorrow is Jersday!)
- RAW (as in wrestling)
- Dark chocolate anything
- Jack in the Box tacos
- McDonald's orange 'soda'
- Movie/TV show marathons (House/L&O:SVU)
- Collecting 4square badges ('checking in' in general!)
- Cussing
- IZZE drinks (written on the back of an IZZE carton)
- Leggings as pants
- EMU boots
I could go on, but that seems excessive.
What is on your list?
P.S. Today is the last day to enter the giveaway for an octopus notepad from Boygirlparty!