Here are some highlights of lists found through the
30 Days of Lists Flickr Group. I had to laugh, there were a few lists I wanted to share, but they're protected! Sneaky, sneaky. You'll have to go
take a look for yourself :)
List 17: Words that are hard to spell
I couldn't help but laugh (and be jealous!) when I read the above list!
Spelling Bee champ, perhaps?
List 18: Road Trip Must-Haves
List 19: Recipes to Try
How is everybody doing? Are you still having fun?
Guess what! There is another giveaway (or two) coming
up soon. Stick with this, we're over halfway there :D
P.S. Does anybody else feel like you're clicking the little 'favorite' star a million times while going through the group? You are all so incredibly inspiring and creative! I got behind in commenting on each photo and wake up each day to see that even more photos have been posted to the group! There are so many of you, and I'm totally loving it :) Thank you for participating. I know Amy and Justine are equally thrilled at the response to this project, and it means a lot to us that you've stuck around.